

Legal Advice

ISO 9001 : 2015

ISO 9001 CERTIFICATION assures the Quality Management System of the organization.

ISO 9001:2015 Standard is organized in seven main clauses which include:

  • Clause 1 :Context of the organization
  • Clause 2 : Leadership
  • Clause 3 : Planning
  • Clause 4 : Support
  • Clause 5 : Operation
  • Clause 6 : Performance evaluation
  • Clause 7 : Improvement




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System oriented & person independent

Customer Satisfaction.

International Recognition

Defines responsibility for all employees 

&  puts business on auto

Pilot mode

Reduce customer complaints and 


Consistency in product and service

Compliance with Regulatory  


Enhancement in the competence  

level of Employee

Judicial recovery

ISO 14001: 2015

ISO 14001:2015 is standard for Environment management system EMS is applicable to organizations irrespective of their size or nature such  as Rolling Mills, Steel Plants, Hospitals, Paper Mills, Medical Devices, Health Care in India ISO 14001 is the international standard that specifies requirements for an effective environmental management system (EMS


Benefits of ISO 14001:2015

  • Improved environmental 
  •  performance led by top  
  • management commitment
  • Cost savings can be achieved  
  • through improved efficiencies  
  • in energy and water usage and  
  • through waste minimisation
  • Reduced risk of pollution  
  • incidents and other releases to  
  • the environment and therefore 
  •  avoidance of unnecessary clean 
  •  up costs and/or enforcement 
  •  action by regulatory bodies
  • Compliance with legislation 
  • Reduced risk of non-compliance 
  •  with legislation and subsequent 
  • \ costs/prosecution
  • Improved brand image as  
  • customers will see an organisation 
  •  that is in control of its impact 
  •  on the environment
  • Improved business focus and  
  • communication of environmental 
  •  issues
  • Improved profitability through 
  •  costs reductions and improved  
  • customer satisfaction
Debt renegotiation

ISO 45001:2018

The ISO 45001 standard provides a framework for managing the prevention of work-related injuries, ill health, and death. The intention of this international standard is to improve and provide a safe and healthy workplace for workers and other persons who may be interacting with the organization.

Benefits of ISO 45001:2018

Globalization: ISO 45001 puts your 

organization in an elite category of  

businesses, as it is an internationally 

 recognized standard.

Improvement in business  

performance: The implementation 

 of an Occupational Health and Safety  

Management System 

 based on ISO 45001 reduces  


illnesses and injuries, and, in turn,  

increases productivity.

Best practice creation: It provides  

consistency and establishes  \

“best practices” for occupational  

health and safety throughout the  


Hazard & risk identification:  

Conducting risk assessments in a 

 systematic manner, improve the 

 quality of 

 the assessment.

Lower insurance premiums: Having  

a recognized system in place provides  

an apron for attracting lower 

 insurance premiums.

Improvements in efficiency: The 

 implementation of an  

OH&S Management System 

 contributes to the reduction  

of accident rates, absenteeism  

levels, and downtime, all of which  

improve the efficiency levels of 



Establishment of a safe working 

 environment: Promotes the safety 

 of all  

persons being affected by the 

 organization’s activities.

Focus: A culture that focuses on the 

“prevention of problems” rather  

than on 

 the “detection of problems” is  

 much more effective and rewarding

  to employees.

Continual improvement: 

 Encourages continual  

improvement, e.g. the adoption  

of the “zero accident” concept.

Business crisis

ISO 22000

A FSMS is a preventative approach used by an organization to identify, prevent and reduce food-borne hazards entering the food chain thereby improving the organization’s food safety performance.   ISO 22000 is a risk based management tool for the food industry in order to assure food safety at human consumption

Benefits of ISO 22000

  • Reduction in food safety incidents and cost.
  • Compliance with legal and Codex HACCP principle.
  • ower risk of liability.
  • Fewer errors and customer complaints.
  • Continual improvement in products & processes.
  • Resource optimization – internally and along the food chain.
  • Sustainable food safety performance.
  • Improves consumer / supplier /regulator confidence and relationships.
  • Competitive advantage in the marketplace.
  • Promotes international trade.
  • Improved overall performance
More information

ISO 27001:2013

The ISO 27001:2013  standard adopts a process approach for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining, and improving an organization’s information security management system.

The standard takes a comprehensive approach to information security. Assets that need protection range from digital information, paper documents, and physical assets (computers and networks) to the knowledge of individual employees. Issues you have to address range from competence development of staff to technical protection against computer fraud. 




ISO 27001 will help you protect  

 your information in terms of th

following principles:

  • Confidentiality ensures that 
  •  information is accessible only 
  •  to those authorized to have access.
  • Integrity safeguards the accuracy  
  • and completeness of information 
  •  and processing methods.
  • Availability ensures that authorized 
  •  users have access to information  
  • and associated assets when required.

Achieving ISO 27001 certification 

 shows that a business has:

  • Protected information from 
  •  getting into unauthorised hands
  • Ensured information is accurate 
  •   and can only be modified by 
  •  authorised users
  • Assessed the risks and mitigated 
  •  the impact of a breach
  • Been independently assessed  
  • to an international standard 
  •  based on industry best practices 